Tag: Emilia Clarke

TV Recap: Game of Thrones S5,Ep.7 – The Gift

Following last week’s disturbing final scene, those fans who didn’t bail on the show were rewarded with one of the series’ most devious characters finally getting some much-needed comeuppance and for one night at least, all was right in Westeros. As Jon heads off to strike a peace treaty with The Wildlings, Master Aemon dies […]

TV Recap: Game of Thrones S5,E5

For the first time since Season 1, ‘Game of Thrones’ seems wide open and it’s led to the most satisfying and compelling season at this stage in the series thus far. Granted, we’re at the halfway point, but you don’t get the sense that the showrunners are going to suddenly fumble this elaborate setup and […]

TV Recap: Game of Thrones S5,Ep.4

After a typical steady pace throughout three episodes into Season 5, tonight’s episode pretty much felt super-sized as every storyline delivered some political maneuvering, plotting and scheming, family bonding and a lot of action. Put simply, if you didn’t enjoy this week it might be time to walk away from the show as this was […]

Game of Thrones recap S5,Ep.2

Tonight was another methodical season-setting episode spent largely moving the characters along the chess board that is Westeros. A new leader was crowned and another starts to find the crown a far heavier burden than imaginable. Leadership was the underlined theme as Daenerys, Jon Snow and Cersei each dealt with varying aspects of being the […]

Game of Thrones recap S5,E1

There was a lot of table setting, a little T&A and the death of a king because …well ‘Game of Thrones.’ The kickoff to season 5 featured little carnage, mayhem and social media blazing moments, but it did set the stage for what should be another wholly unpredictable 10 episodes. After devouring ‘Daredevil,’ how many […]